O u r V i s i o nThe management of ISI CRAN is excited at the possibilities for and the future of the ISI CRAN high-speed PastaKing pasta cookers. We feel it is paramount to integrate quality and value into our products, in order to betterserve the “on the go” consumer in today’s fast-paced “eat on the go” world. In today's market, the mantra tosuccess is “get it done fast”. However, we also realize that equally as important is to “get it done right” and“never sacrifice quality”. Our products are designed and built to conform to strict quality standards. Our pastacookers are designed to perform safely and reliably each and every time. Todays consumer demands thehighest food quality and cooking consistency. The pasta processed by the Pasta King pasta cooker is alwayscooked to perfection. At ISI CRAN, our philosophy is simple. Keep it fundamental and base every aspect of ourbusiness on integrity. We firmly believe our success is inter-twined with our commitment to total quality, productreliability, cost competitiveness, and customer satisfaction.
P a s t a K i n g The patented Pasta King line of pasta cookers cook pasta to perfection each and every time. With the high-speed Pasta King Express model, a perfect serving of pasta is cooked in 2 minutes or less. The single servingPasta King Express pasta cooker cooks a variety of dried pasta from short goods such as penne to long goodssuch as spaghetti. Cooking quality is consistent with Pasta King; a specific pasta will cook the same, with thesame quality and in the same amount of time each and every time. Cook time can be controlled by the foodservice operator to adjust the bite from al dente to mush. A 3-module machine with its multiple cook chamberscan cook up to 3 different pastas simultaneously. Under development to expand the Pasta King line are thefollowing models: the Pasta King, capable of delivering 5 lbs of cooked pasta in ~ 4 minutes, the Pasta KingTurbo, with a pasta auto-feeder and capable of cooking a serving of pasta in under 60 seconds, and the PastaKing Maxim, with the capability of cooking a whopping 25 lbs of dry pasta in ~ 6 minutes.O u r B u s i n e s sPasta King’s parent company ISI CRAN was started with the specific goal of designing and producing high-speed pasta cooking equipment to support the fast-food, and food service markets. Our business strategy is tofoster relationships with businesses interested in manufacturing, sales, distribution, and with food servicecommercial end users. In addition, we are promoting the organization of franchise programs centered aroundour quick cook equipment and goods. Our equipment is available for purchase or lease and also available forre-branding by customers wishing to license our products to market as their own.